100% Donation Policy
Charity No: 1203422

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“Whoever relieves a Muslim of a burden from the burdens of the world, Allah will relieve him of a burden from the burdens on the Day of Judgement. And whoever helps ease a difficulty in the world, Allah will grant him ease from a difficulty in the world and in the Hereafter. And whoever covers (the faults of) a Muslim, Allah will cover (his faults) for him in the world and the Hereafter. And Allah is engaged in helping the worshipper as long as the worshipper is engaged in helping his brother.” Tirmidhi

a young boy carrying a large blanket

Gaza Emergency Appeal

Help your Brothers and Sisters in Gaza.

The people of Gaza face unimaginable challenges. Your contribution can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by the ongoing crisis

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Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows 100% Donations Policy | to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to 100% Donations Policy | we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like 100% Donations Policy | to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that 100% Donations Policy | will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.


Donation Total: £5.00 One Time